Pregnancy Nauseous When Hungry Constantly Nauseous - Never Hungry?
Constantly nauseous - never hungry? - pregnancy nauseous when hungry
Hello. I'm thirteen years old, a woman, and exclude a virgin (, pregnancy, of course.) I am constantly feeling sick, and never hungry. When the power of food, it takes away about ten minutes for nausea.
My time is coming soon, I think. Maybe 2 or site.
I also think, dizziness, insomnia, and a constant feeling too hot.
This is the gallbladder, but it could be the thyroid. The thyroid gland produces hormones that the body needs different kinds. Some of the symptoms sound like that. It is a simple blood test can tell you, your level. If you are taking medication for them really cheap.
Consult a doctor for a blood test for hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism. (with a thickness is thin)
Good luck, my dear!
have their best gallbalder
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