Lips Disease Pictures Has My Toddler Got Cold Sores Or Foot And Mouth Disease?

Has my toddler got cold sores or foot and mouth disease? - lips disease pictures

17mth my daughter was a serious outbreak of sores in the mouth, tongue, your gums, lips and face. which appear now to touch your fingers to your face, no doubt. they do not swallow it, it leaks badly, has nothing to eat or drink. The doctor said that his wounds, but the product does not give him any assistance. Image so much research on the Internet are so similar, I can not work. Suggestions? Nobody has had the same problem with their children? It is heartbreaking to see this need. Thank you in advance. x


lisa b said...

There is no cure for herpes labialis, which lasted 7 to 10 days. I'm curious to know what medication they gave him. I finally took him to a dermatologist for a more accurate diagnosis, as she walked away, just to calm your mind and to take drugs and treatment, if it is not herpes. Good luck and more sustainable in the medical diagnostics and their families. Ask questions to obtain a second opinion, and new doctors if they are connected with their feelings.

east coast kev Australia said...

Medicines for cold sores is to work at the time to worry what is more, the virus is infecting your hands coldsores think I would find another doctor.

__A_YAHO... said...

It could be smallpox

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