Meths Cooker Need To Know What To Expect If "meth Cookers" Find Out That He Got Evidence Against Them And Turned It In??!??

Need to know what to expect if "meth cookers" find out that he got evidence against them and turned it in??!?? - meths cooker

I have a friend who was just as I was my concern. He turned against their neighbors to the police today by cooking methods. I've always known this man. He said the police told him they were trying to keep his name out of the court, but they must also continue to use of methamphetamine in the oven, "for want of a better term. When I called and asked what he would do if them the court that it is he has the evidence against them, I said I had no idea. He seems very nervous and I understand why.

What can I say? I will not give up a kind of lie, like "Oh, do not be mad that they made the methods!" (I mean, he had known it was a lie, anyway). I want, what can happen, however, and be prepared to be conscious.

I do not know what I can to help, so do not know what to say.

What can I say, he should be prepared? I admire your courage in turn, had tried to listen to call the police to March ywHenne had obtained evidence is in.

I only know that he's afraid to know me and I feel terrible that he is nervous, and I have no idea what I'm saying!


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