Great Gifts For Stroke Victims Is This A Great Story About A Selfless 16 Year Old Or What?

Is this a great story about a selfless 16 year old or what? - great gifts for stroke victims

A pity that most people can not be that mature, right?

Sweet 16 party with no gifts, donations, and not
Marlton, NJ (CBS 3) --
Meg Snowdon does not turn on 16 to November, but like most teenagers with birthdays in the winter they will make a summer party.
Unlike most teenagers but not Meg do not want gifts.
Instead, she asked family and friends for donations of 8 years, Emily Mangione, Meg, met for the first time Wednesday.

Emmie was 14 months when he Mangione from Marlton, Kim took her from South Korea. Emily suffers from a disease that touches your heart, lungs and immune system system.By when he was two, Emmie had already suffered a heart attack and stroke more, causing brain damage.

Meg Emmie first learned from a friend, and I wanted no way he could help. Your birthday party seemed the best way to pay the family Emmie on health care.
Even with insurance, there are many therapies, medical equipment and decks


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